Monday, February 20, 2017

Black Targets Matter

Young black men are 3X more likely to be shot by trained shooters than their white peers. A disturbing potential correlation: The most popular target for shooters to learn to use their firearm is a black silhouette. Unconscious bias can be deadly. [More]
Alrighty then. And yeah, they consider themselves to be serious.

Forget why that potential discrepancy might be. Here's a solution all "progressives" should be able to agree on:


Anonymous said...

Those targets might be a big seller among the leftists crowd but I would want CASH up front from them.

Steve said...

Your more link is missing its link.

Perhaps these fine folks can tell is what other colors should be forbidden.

David Codrea said...



Ed said...

I would recommend blue or green silhouette targets, but then fans of Smurfs and the Jolly Green Giant might object.

Henry said...

Reminds me of all the European whining that the original IPSC target looked too much like a person, so they had to neuter it into an octagon:

Joe said...

Guess I'll need to have all of my Black firearms refinished as well.

Is Sky Blue acceptable ?

Bluesgal said...

I'm just curious as to why a petition with all of 251 signatures is garnering all the press attention it is getting (other than the obvious SMH can you believe this BS).

Besides, color ink is expensive, once again upping costs..